UNC students
Cleo Caldwell - On her family's musical talent, growing up in Northside, and returning to the neighborhood
In this interview, Cleo Caldwell, 53, discusses growing up in the Northside neighborhood surrounded by extended family and, in particular, her cousins who became policemen and civil rights activists. Cleo’s mother and sisters were known for their musical talents—her mother played piano and her…
Cleo Caldwell - On her family's musical talent, growing up in Northside, and returning to the neighborhood
Frances Hargraves - On childhood, family, education, and teaching
"I remember my mother always told me, 'Whatever job you must do, be sure you give it your best.' She said if it’s sweeping the floor, washing dishes, anything, do it your best. And as I grew, that was her philosophy - always give it your best. And I still carry that philosophy."
- Frances…
Frances Hargraves - On childhood, family, education, and teaching
Katie Byerly, Hannah Friedman, and Carolina Phillips - On Sustaining OurSelves and being student renters in Northside
“Something I’ve been thinking about lately is that I think of myself as a student that’s here for four years. I think of my contributions, both negative and positive to this area and people who live here, as a temporary thing. I think that’s really problematic, because I’m a temporary…
Katie Byerly, Hannah Friedman, and Carolina Phillips - On Sustaining OurSelves and being student renters in Northside
Keith Edwards - On growing up in Carrboro and the role of teachers
“The thing I remember the most coming up in the Black community, the Black community supported the schools, not only financially, but they also supported the schools by parents having involvement in the children’s schooling.”
- Keith Edwards
Keith Edwards was born in 1950 and grew up in…
Keith Edwards - On growing up in Carrboro and the role of teachers
Keith Edwards - On the importance of food
“Sundays were always a special day. That whole day was made into just like a holiday.
- Keith Edwards
This interview includes Keith Edwards’s viewpoint on the importance of food in the home and in the community. She recalls specific recipes in the interview. Edwards was born and raised in…
Keith Edwards - On the importance of food
Louise Felix - On her family's history in construction and her relationships
"I’m a people person, you know that, I love people. And I love to talk."
- Louise Felix
In this interview, Mrs. Felix exudes warmth and happiness. She highlights her family’s deep history of construction. Beginning with the Hargraves Community Center and continuing on throughout Chapel Hill and…
Louise Felix - On her family's history in construction and her relationships
Mae McLendon - On motherhood and attending UNC
“I was a member of the Black Student Movement. It was like a year old when I got there so I was very active in that. I was the off-campus minister. We would go to the football games and not stand for the national anthem…as a form of protest.”
- Mae McLendonr
In this interview, Mae McLendon…
Mae McLendon - On motherhood and attending UNC